Dartmoor Journey

September 15, 2009

Back in July I spent four solitary days roaming the wet expanses of northern Dartmoor. As I had to carry everything necessary for survival in a potentially inhospitable climate I opted to reduce camera equipment to a Populist, a Gorillapod and a few rolls of 35mm film, total weight just a few ounces.

I am still working my way through the processing and editing of the five rolls I exposed and have been holding back the finishing touches as I really want the collection to stand as a unified whole, both in terms of its subject matter and its presentation. The four days were spent in an ecstasy of isolation and a joyous unity with the land, the sky, the rivers and the wind. My intention is to portray and explain visually some of this visceral attachment to life and environment which I rediscovered during this time.

The first image I am happy to show is the remains of a sheep, wind-blown grasses and a murky sky.

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